Category Archives: Mental Health

Dreamiest Cut Episode 011: Take That Crap and Turn it Into Gold

Matthew sits at his grand piano.
Matthew sits at his grand piano. Photograph by Catherine of the Sea Photography

This interview took place over about four hours at Matthew’s house. We both wore masks and his wife stayed in another area. Safety first during Covid. We all know the drill.

He was so excited because that day the house was finally humid enough to tune. I believe it was 40%. Is that a humidity measure?



Records decorate the wall behind the grand piano.

As soon as I walked into Matthew’s living room I was in love. This is so my vibe and esthetic. He told me that they switch out the albums on the wall to change up the look. I love that.

Another look at the albums on the wall. Figurines in the forefront.
Snorlax sits between drums. Matthew’s wife made the Charmanders on the mirror.

I love it when I meet people and I want to scream, “YOU ARE LIKE ME. I AM LIKE YOU. LET’S BE WEIRD TOGETHER!”  I wanted to go look at everything in every nook and cranny. There were several pieces by artists on the walls, awesome little treasures placed throughout the living room.


Close up of Matthew’s harp.

Matthew plays a selection of his original pieces in this episode as well as a cover or two. Check out Matthew’s Facebook.


And for sure, for sure, for sure, his Patreon.


Matthew’s CD sits in front of Beethoven’s bust.  This may or may not be Beethoven. I’m having a brain moment. 

I still need to talk to Matthew about his thoughts of me releasing the other recordings from that day. Stay tuned!